LinkedIn Launches Sponsored Newsletter Articles for Companies to Run Their Newsletters as Paid Media Ads
LinkedIn has launched Sponsored Newsletter Articles to allow companies to amplify their LinkedIn newsletters as paid media ads, targeting objectives such as brand awareness and engagement.
LinkedIn Rolls Out Newsletter-Specific Analytics and Draft Templates for Newsletters
LinkedIn has started rolling out updates for Newsletters.
LinkedIn Offers 'Creator Mode’ Users Access To Live Video, Newsletters & Enhanced Discovery
LinkedIn is offering creators who toggle on its Creator Mode access to new tools.
Facebook Launches Bulletin, A Standalone Newsletter Platform For Independent Journalists & Writers
Facebook launches Bulletin, a newsletter platform dedicated to helping independent journalists and writers grow and monetize their newsletter audience.
Facebook Is Working On A Newsletter Feature To Attract Journalists & Writers
Facebook is currently working on a newsletter feature to provide journalists and writers with features to help them grow their followers, build their email lists, and monetize their newsletters through subscriptions.