LinkedIn Integrates Calendly with Custom Buttons for Seamless Scheduling
LinkedIn announced a Calendly integration for Custom Buttons, allowing Premium users to set "Book an Appointment" as their button. Users can now create or link a Calendly account directly within LinkedIn, enabling profile visitors to schedule meetings without leaving the platform.
TikTok Announces New Integration with Lemon8 Featuring Unified User Login
TikTok has announced a new integration with its sister app, Lemon8.
LinkedIn Rolls Out Microsoft Designer For Creators To Generate Header Images for Articles and Newsletters
LinkedIn has rolled out a Microsoft Designer integration for Articles and Newsletters.
TikTok Partners With Quizlet To Give Creators A New Interactive Way To Teach
TikTok is partnering up with Quizlet, a popular online education platform that helps users explore topics and ideas they want to learn about more..
Spotify Announces Integration With Facebook Stories
Today, Spotify announced a new feature that lets users share music to Facebook Stories.
Vimeo Creators Can Now Naively Publish Videos Directly To LinkedIn
Vimeo expands its Publish To Social feature, allowing creators to natively publish videos to LinkedIn Company Pages.