Instagram is Developing a Collaboration Status Feature to Help Creators Show They Are Open to Creator Collaborations

Source: Alessandro Paluzzi/Twitter

Instagram is developing a new feature called Collaboration Status, according to a screenshot shared by reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi. 

Creators can display their interest in collaborations by toggling on “Open to collaboration,” which will display the status on their profile, in direct messages, and in search results.

Collaborations have become increasingly popular among creators as a way to tap into each other's audiences and grow their following. However, one of the challenges with collaborations is identifying potential collaborators who are interested in working together. By allowing creators to share their interest in working with others, Instagram helps to remove this barrier by enabling creators to identify potential collaborators they can reach out to directly. 

To further facilitate collaborations, Instagram could recommend creators to each other based on data points such as follower count, vertical, and collaboration goals.

In recent years, social media platforms have introduced a number of features to assist creators in collaborating, such as Instagram's Collabs, Twitch's Guest Star, and YouTube's Go Live With.


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