The Rise of Creator Storefronts: From Shop by Product to Shop by Influencer
When you visit a brand’s eCommerce website, you typically shop by product categories. However, this can often overwhelm consumers, making it difficult to find personalized recommendations that resonate with their interests. Thankfully, that’s changing.
Kohl's Launches Creators Storefronts in Time for the Holidays
Kohl's launched The Influencer Shop, a collection of creator storefronts featuring influencers such as Dani Schaffer, Gerald Fluellen, Candace Smith, and Liz Webber, just in time for holiday shopping.
Kohl’s Launches The Influencer Shop, A Collection of Creator Storefronts
Kohl's has launched "The Influencer Shop," a collection of creator storefronts featuring influencers such as Dani Schaffer, Gerald Fluellen, Candace Smith, and Liz Webber.