Instagram Rolls Out the Ability to Share Photos in Their Original Aspect Ratio to More Users

Lindsey Gamble

Instagram has started rolling out the ability for more users to share photos in their original aspect ratio, notifying them with a 'Get the Full Picture' notification. This update builds on a previous iteration of the feature that was initially available to a limited group back in the summer.

When users upload multiple photos as a carousel, images with the same aspect ratio can be automatically cropped to Portrait or Square. However, if the photos have different aspect ratios, a new 'Mixed' option allows each image to retain its original dimensions.

Lindsey Gamble

During the publishing workflow, users can preview each photo in its respective aspect ratio. When posted, landscape images will have borders around them to maintain the layout.

Why It Matters: This update gives creators and brands more flexibility in mixing and matching photo ratios within a single carousel. Previously, when posting a carousel with both portrait and landscape images, users had to choose a single aspect ratio, often leading to unwanted cropping.

This will be especially beneficial for photographers who want their images displayed in their original composition and framing. However, given the responses to the initial feature, it’s likely to be embraced by creators across the board.


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