Instagram Announces A Handful Of New Features Including Notes, Candid Stories & Group Profiles
Source: Instagram
Source: Notes
Notes: Users can share short posts of text and emojis (up to 60 characters) with people that follow them back or their Close Friends list. These notes appear at the top of their inbox for 24 hours, with replies as direct messages.
Source: Instagram
‘Add Yours’ Nominations: Users can invite their friends to participate in 'Add Yours' prompts through a 'Pass It On' button.
Source: Instagram
Candid Stories: Users can capture and share what they are doing in the moment using the front and back cameras based on daily notifications and add them to a multi-author story.
Source: Instagram
Group Profiles: Users can join a new profile type that lets them share content to a dedicated, shared profile with others.
Source: Instagram
Collaborative Collections: Users can save posts to a collaborative collection in groups or DMs.
Experiences To Help People Share & Connect
Instagram brings new experiences to help people share and connect with others. In many cases, they bring similar aspects to other social media platforms. For example, with Notes, users can share quick text updates like Twitter. With Candid Stories, users can share daily activities like BeReal. With Collaborative Collections, users can curate content like Pinterest Boards.
Reels Is Still A Focus
Reels remain Meta's biggest priority, but these updates address other trends and behaviors across social media, like small group interactions, community, and collaboration. These features are more geared toward the everyday user, but as we typically see, creators always find a creative way to leverage them.