WWE & TikTok Announce A New Partnership
Photo: TikTok
WWE becomes the latest company to announce a partnership with TikTok, the rising short-form video-sharing app.
“We are thrilled to be launching this partnership, which offers a new level of engagement with WWE content by enabling the TikTok community to create their own shareable stories tied to WWE‘s world-renowned Superstars,” said Jayar Donlan, WWE’s executive VP of advanced media, in a press release.
Along with launching an official TikTok account, WWE is making the entrance themes for more than 30 of its past and current superstars available for users to incorporate in their videos on the platform through a licensing deal. With music being a pivotal part of the TikTok experience, this is a great move for both sides. TikTok’s music library continues to expand and provide users with a variety of options for background music while the WWE gets another vehicle to reach and engage their fans especially those who are Generation Z.
With already a heavy presence on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter that includes a combined one billion followers worldwide, WWE will look to repeat that success on TikTok.
Back in September, the NFL announced a similar partnership with TikTok that led to the league and many of its teams launching official TikTok accounts.
With partnerships locked in with some of the most influential and powerful companies in the NFL, NBA, and now WWE, the Byte-Dance owned platform is becoming a hotbed for brands and creators. It still has some issues to work through when it comes to the FTC, privacy, and more, but it’s a safe bet that TikTok is here to stay and will become a focus of the content strategy for brands and creators.
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