Meta Adds New Features For Facebook Pages To Help Creators Get Discovered & Connect With Their Followers
Source: Meta
Meta has added new creator-focused features to Facebook Pages. Here’s a breakdown of them:
Creator Endorsement: Creators can spotlight other creators by sending a notification to their followers and friends to follow a creator of their choice.
New Post Settings: Creators can control who has access to specific content. They can share a post with anyone on or off Facebook, only subscribers or top fans. There is also the option for them to give subscribers access to content before non-subscribers, such as 24 or 48 hours.
Rising Creator Labels: Creators that are sharing engaging content have the potential to be labeled a Rising Creator by Facebook. These labels are displayed on their Page along with their self-selected category and across recommendations experiences.
Post & Story Templates: Creators can use new Post, and Story templates that auto-mention new top fans and thank them for their support.

Creators benefit from these features from having new ways to be discovered and connect with their most loyal followers.
Creator Endorsement is the most notable feature as it helps creators tap into their audience to help other creators grow. It's common practice for creators to endorse and recommend each other, but this allows them to do so in a streamlined way. The new post settings are also noteworthy. They enable creators to be strategic with the content they show and who its available to, creating the opportunity for creators to reward subscribers or their top fans with exclusive content.
These add to a growing list of features that Facebook has delivered to creators over the past few months, including Interoperable Subscriptions and Music Revenue Sharing. As innovative features that could be quite useful on Instagram as well, Facebook should consider rolling out more of them for Instagram.