Instagram Gives Creators The Ability To Display Upcoming Instagram Lives On Their Profile

Instagram launched Live in Profiles. 

Live In Profiles gives creators the ability to display a badge for scheduled Instagram Lives on their profiles to let anyone who visits their profiles know that they have an upcoming live stream. When visitors click on the badge, they can sign up for a reminder. When creators add multiple Lives, they will be displayed as a side-scrolling list.

Live In Profiles enhances discoverability for upcoming Lives. In addition to promoting future Lives through in-feed and Story content, creators can drive more awareness with profile visitors and potentially drive viewership when they do go live. This feature will also be helpful for creators and brands when it comes to live shopping. Live shopping activation success comes down to having a large enough audience to sell to, and this feature can help attract more people

Since launching its live streaming feature in 2016, Instagram has gradually developed its capabilities. The platform introduced the ability for users to schedule Lives in October.


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