France's Proposed Regulations Require Influencers to Disclose Filters or Face Jail Time
Source: Rafael Garcin/Unsplash
The National Assembly of the French parliament is proposing legislation to regulate influencers with a bill that is "aimed at combating scams and abuses by influencers on social networks." According to the proposal, influencers - defined as anyone who distributes digital content to promote a product or service in exchange for money or a benefit-in-kind - would be required to comply with the proposed rules. Key components include:
Influencers who use a filter or alter their face and/or body are required to disclose it and must include a visible disclosure on the photo or video at all times.
Influencers are not able to promote pharmaceutical products, medical devices, surgical procedures, financial products, and services, or counterfeit products.
To promote betting and gambling services, influencers must have a visible disclosure on the image or the video at all times.
Influencers that violate the law face up to 2 years in prison, €30,000 in fines, and are prohibited from using social media.
If passed, this bill will heavily impact the influencer marketing industry in France by limiting what influencers could promote as well as increasing the risks that come with being an influencer. Recent events, such as China requiring influencers to have qualifications to talk about certain topics and the Advertising Standards Authority’s update to its influencer guide, suggest that tighter regulations for influencers will continue.