Instagram now allows you to upload multiple photos and videos at once to Stories
Photo: Instagram
Ever since it rolled out Stories, Instagram has been committed to updating and revamping the feature quite frequently. Whether it's putting its own twist on a Snapchat birthed feature or making a tweak based on feedback from users, it's clear that Instagram sees high value in the Stories content format and plans to continue to take advantage of it.
The photo/video app now allows you to upload up to 10 photos or videos at once, making it easier and faster to curate your Stories. The company recently made the announcement on their blog.
When you go to upload Stories, you will now see a new icon at the top right corner of your screen. When you click this, you will have the option to choose up to 10 photos or videos to add to your Stories. After selecting the photos and videos, each will appear, giving you the ability to edit them individually with stickers, text, and more. When you're done editing them and post them, they will appear in the order in which you selected them.
The new feature is currently only available on Android devices, but it should be rolling out to iOS in the coming weeks.
In other news relating to Stories, Netflix recently launched its own version of the content format with Mobile Previews.
SOURCE: Instagram Press